50 лучших учебных ресурсов по управлению запасами:лучшие статьи, учебные пособия, видео, вебинары (и многое другое), которые помогут вам освоить управление запасами
Управление запасами, иногда также называемое управлением запасами, представляет собой способ наиболее эффективного использования запасов для сведения затрат к минимуму. В то время как управление запасами часто сосредоточено на доставке запасов в нужное место в нужное время, управление запасами является более практичной стороной управления запасами, поскольку оно фокусируется на затратах и времени. Вот почему тремя основными компонентами управления запасами являются сокращение закупок товаров, которые не продаются или продаются медленно, предотвращение избыточных запасов за счет отслеживания изменений спроса и эффективное использование запасов во избежание порчи товаров.
Если вы хотите отточить свои навыки управления запасами, не смотрите дальше. Мы собрали 50 лучших обучающих онлайн-ресурсов, которые помогут вам освоить управление запасами, улучшить деловую практику и повысить прибыль. Большинство наших ресурсов сосредоточено на управлении складскими запасами и их контроле, но некоторые из них посвящены розничной торговле, потому что некоторые из основных принципов управления запасами пересекаются.
Наши онлайн-ресурсы для обучения управлению запасами охватывают все от статей до курсов и предоставляются лидерами отрасли, известными учебными заведениями и другими признанными лидерами в области управления запасами и управления цепочками поставок. Обратите внимание, что мы перечислили наши 50 лучших онлайн-ресурсов для обучения управлению запасами здесь, в без особого порядка . Однако мы включили оглавление, чтобы вы могли перейти к интересующим вас категориям ресурсов.
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1. 8 основных рекомендаций по улучшению управления запасами
Журнал и веб-сайт Modern Materials Handling предлагают решения для повышения производительности, новости и многое другое для распространения, складирования, и производство. В их статье об управлении запасами «Восемь основных рекомендаций по улучшению управления запасами» приводятся советы экспертов, представляющих совокупный 80-летний опыт работы с запасами, с упором на важные стратегии, которые некоторые организации упустили из виду.
Три ключевых момента, которые мы например, из 8 основных рекомендаций по улучшению управления запасами:
- Не подходите ко всем SKU одинаково. Сосредоточьтесь на 20 %, которые составляют 80 % объема, и правильно управляйте этими запасами, чтобы максимизировать продажи и прибыль.
- Внимательно следите за деятельностью поставщиков.
- Эффективно собирайте и отслеживайте основные атрибуты, чтобы не увеличивать трудозатраты или затраты на обработку.
Стоимость: БЕСПЛАТНО
2. Управление запасами 101:пора пересмотреть принципы
Обслуживая руководителей, менеджеров и других специалистов в области логистики и управления цепями поставок, журнал Logistics Management Magazine исследует принципы управления запасами в этой статье управления запасами. Статья напоминает читателям, что затраты на инвентарь могут резко возрасти, но управление запасами предоставляет множество возможностей для повышения итоговой прибыли.
Три ключевых момента, которые нам нравятся в «Управлении запасами 101»:пора пересмотреть принципы:
- Неспособность контролировать запасы приводит к увеличению затрат на помещение и оплату труда, а также к потере бизнеса.
- С избыточными запасами связано несколько сопутствующих расходов, в том числе оплата труда по управлению запасами, расходы, связанные с ремонтом или повреждением, бесполезная работа склада с устаревшими запасами, расширение склада для хранения избыточных запасов и т. д.
- Одним из признаков проблем с управлением запасами является то, что персоналу склада трудно своевременно найти запасы.
Стоимость: БЕСПЛАТНО
3. Преимущества управления запасами
Кеннет Хэмлетт из Houston Chronicle рассказывает о различных преимуществах, которые компании дают себе, когда осваивают управление запасами. . Несмотря на то, что запасы часто являются крупнейшими инвестициями компании, компании могут эффективно контролировать эти запасы и одновременно добиваться более экономичных операций и сокращать операционные расходы.
Три ключевых момента, которые нам нравятся из «Преимуществ». управления запасами:
- Уровень обслуживания клиентов повышается в компаниях с четко определенной и эффективной политикой управления запасами.
- Эффективный контроль запасов позволяет снизить трудозатраты, связанные с управлением запасами.
- Владельцы бизнеса должны знать о расходах на содержание инвентаря, а не только о расходах на его приобретение.
Стоимость: БЕСПЛАТНО
4. Системы управления запасами
Эта статья об управлении запасами из справочника для бизнеса содержит подробный обзор управления запасами. В статье также освещаются связанные с управлением запасами темы, в том числе компьютеры и запасы, будущее систем управления запасами, планировка и эксплуатация склада, а также передача складских обязанностей на аутсорсинг.
Три ключевых момента, которые нам нравятся в системах управления запасами:сильный>
- Найти правильный баланс между слишком маленьким и слишком большим запасом сложно, но системы управления запасами могут помочь.
- Сравнение отдельных показателей оборота для сырья, запасов незавершенного производства и готовой продукции часто позволяет компаниям улучшить управление запасами.
- Автоматизация управления запасами, в том числе подсчет и мониторинг предметов, запись и получение мест хранения предметов, запись изменений в запасах и прогнозирование потребности в запасах, позволяет значительно улучшить управление запасами.
Стоимость: БЕСПЛАТНО
5. Как избежать трех главных ошибок бережливого управления запасами
Fronetics Strategic Advisors, ведущая консалтинговая фирма, консультирует компании по наиболее важным вопросам и возможностям. В своей статье об управлении запасами для Fronetics Дженнифер Харт Йим объясняет, что освоение управления запасами требует устранения потерь, но это становится еще более сложной задачей для организаций из-за многоканального распределения, неадекватного прогнозирования спроса и отсутствия связи.
Три ключевых момента, которые нам понравились из книги «Как избежать трех главных ошибок бережливого управления запасами»:
- При внедрении бережливого управления запасами важно привлечь к этому руководителей дистрибьюторских компаний, а также адаптировать бизнес-процессы, чтобы вовлечь менеджеров по закупкам, финансам, операциям, продажам и маркетингу, чтобы добиться максимальной эффективности.
- Недостаточно иметь под рукой сложные модели прогнозирования спроса. Для точной оценки уровня запасов необходим вклад каждого.
- Оптимизация уровня запасов не всегда означает их минимизацию, потому что очень важно согласовать стратегии вашего бизнеса и запасов.
Стоимость: БЕСПЛАТНО
6. 7 советов по управлению запасами на складе
7 советов по управлению запасами на складе, запись в блоге QStock Inventory, написанная Джастином Велтоэном, описывает некоторые стратегии за внедрение системы управления складскими запасами и важность разработки комплексной стратегии управления цепочками поставок и запасами. Его советы по управлению запасами на складе включают в себя несколько отличных идей, которые помогут вам освоить управление запасами.
Три ключевые идеи, которые нам нравятся из 7 советов по управлению запасами на складе:
- Отслеживание основных складских активов так же важно, как и отслеживание движимого имущества.
- Информация в режиме реального времени является ключом к правильному управлению запасами.
- Максимально сопоставьте точность с уровнями запасов, а затем постарайтесь устранить ненужные запасы и сменные заказы, чтобы лучше удовлетворить спрос.
Стоимость: БЕСПЛАТНО
7. 10 способов повысить эффективность склада и управления запасами с помощью программного обеспечения и без него
SkuVault предлагает облачное приложение для управления складом и запасами, помогающее продавцам электронной коммерции сократить дефицит экземпляров и повысить эффективность склада. Их статья об управлении запасами представляет собой список полезных советов по улучшению работы склада и управлению запасами независимо от типа складской операции.
Три ключевые идеи, которые нам нравятся, из 10 способов повысить эффективность склада и управление запасами с помощью &Без программного обеспечения:
- Узнайте, какие товары пользуются спросом, и переместите их ближе к зонам доставки, чтобы они были легко доступны.
- Проводить регулярный подсчет циклов и анализировать расхождения.
- Убедитесь, что каждый товар на складе промаркирован.
Стоимость: БЕСПЛАТНО
8. Стратегия управления запасами IKEA:как IKEA это делает?
В статье блога TradeGecko, которая также служит примером, Клара Лу объясняет, что IKEA известна за бесперебойную внутреннюю работу и эффективные процессы цепочки поставок. Она подчеркивает тот факт, что операции цепочки поставок, управление запасами и другие бизнес-функции ИКЕА работают вместе, «чтобы поддержать ее уникальное ценностное предложение… приверженность каталогу товаров, которые будут храниться в течение года по гарантированной цене».
Три ключевые идеи из стратегии управления запасами ИКЕА:как это делает ИКЕА?
- Тактика управления запасами, такая как цена за касание, снижает затраты, поскольку покупатели сами забирают большинство посылок в ИКЕА.
- ИКЕА нанимает сотрудников отдела логистики для управления запасами в своих магазинах.
- ИКЕА использует систему минимального/максимального количества товаров для реагирования на точки повторного заказа запасов на уровне магазина и для повторного заказа товаров.
Стоимость: БЕСПЛАТНО
9. Использование аналитики для эффективного управления запасами
Manufacturing Business Technology предоставляет редакционный, новостной и видеоконтент ИТ-специалистам на производстве. Написанная Бобом Формиттагом-младшим, директором проекта VAI Software, статья MBT об управлении запасами «Использование аналитики для эффективного управления запасами» исследует, как производители балансируют запасы для повышения прибыли и обслуживания клиентов.
Три ключевых момента. нам нравится использование аналитики для эффективного управления запасами:
- Инструменты бизнес-аналитики упрощают процесс определения того, когда и сколько запасов нужно хранить.
- Companies experiencing issues with excess inventory should consider gross margin return on inventory (GMROI) analytics for reviewing inventory decisions from the perspective of return on investment
- Frequent and ongoing cycle counts give managers the ability to detect errors in a more timely fashion and reduce the number of unsatisfied customers
Cost: FREE
10. Top Ten Ways to Manage Inventory
Sherrie Scott of Demand Media shares her top ten ways for managing inventory in this inventory control article. She reminds readers that companies must decide whether to incorporate one key inventory management technique or to combine techniques for meeting the needs of the organization.
Three key tips we like from Top Ten Ways to Manage Inventory:
- Solicit the help of suppliers because supplier-managed inventory gives vendors access to the distributor’s inventory data
- Hire a dedicated inventory control specialist
- Monitor inventory levels and determine the business’s inventory demands
Cost: FREE
11. Ten Ways To Improve Inventory Management
Bain &Company deals in issues of strategy, operations, technology, organization, and mergers and acquisitions. Their blog includes an inventory control article that originally appeared in WSJ.com’s CFO Journal, but is made available on the Bain blog free of charge. The article points out that CFOs and senior executives struggle with inventory management and offers 10 questions that lead to tips for improving inventory control.
Three key tips we like from Ten Ways to Improve Inventory Management:
- It is useful to break operating inventory into three major categories when reporting levels:safety, replenishment, and excess or obsolete stock
- Using standard statistical formulas to calculate safety stock levels is more efficient
- Cross-functional teams are best for setting production and ordering schedules
Cost: FREE
12. Dimensions of Inventory Management:Holistic Strategies for a Volatile World
ChainLink is a leader in supply chain research. Their inventory control article, Dimensions of Inventory Management:Holistic Strategies for a Volatile World, considers the critical dimensions to mastering inventory control and offers an in-depth look at product characteristics and lifecycle, business models, risks, and more.
Three key points we like from Dimensions of Inventory Management:Holistic Strategies for a Volatile World:
- Mastering inventory control can make the difference between a highly profitable and an out-of-business company
- Because various roles have differing perspectives on inventory, a holistic approach is better for inventory control
- Inventory replenishment must account for risks, such as consequences of an out-of-stock and the level of risk inherent to the supply network
Cost: FREE
13. What Is Inventory Control?
For those new to inventory control, Lightspeed offers an introductory article that gives a detailed overview of it. Written by Justin Laing, co-founder of MerchantOS, the inventory control article explains that inventory control may be referred to as stock control and that it is a “delicate balance of the costs versus profits associated with having stock on hand.”
Three key ideas we like from What Is Inventory Control?:
- Inventory control encompasses minimizing shortages so that financial losses due to out-of-stock incidents occur rarely
- Determining the best reorder point is another struggle associated with effective inventory control
- Keep in mind that there are unknown circumstances and variables that come into play with everyone’s inventory control
Cost: FREE
14. Automating Inventory Control in Bins
Every industry needs to be concerned with inventory control, and those agricultural organizations dealing with granules, pellets, powders, or flakes in bins, tanks, and silos are no exception. BinMaster USA offers solutions for level measurement and inventory monitoring in bins, and their inventory control article is specific to companies that need to monitor bin levels to optimize material storage and save money.
Three key ideas we like from Automating Inventory Control in Bins:
- Just in time manufacturing calls for more effectively managing material supplies
- Continuous bin level management systems enable companies to optimize inventory levels, increases employee safety, and saves time because bin measurements are read from a central location
- Inventory control requires companies to know their data and which strategies and solutions are best suited to their needs
Стоимость: FREE
15. Advantages &Disadvantages to a Manual Inventory Control System
Chris Joseph of Demand Media explains in this inventory control article that businesses of all sizes should implement inventory control systems for keeping accurate merchandise counts and for accounting purposes. Manual and computerized inventory control systems are options for companies, but Joseph highlights the advantages and disadvantages of manual inventory control systems in the article.
Three key points we like from Advantages &Disadvantages to a Manual Inventory Control System:
- Manual inventory control systems are appropriate for very small businesses and owners who like a greater sense of control
- Manual inventory control systems can be labor intensive
- There is a greater chance for human error when manual inventory control systems rely on human input
Стоимость: FREE
16. Basic Inventory Control
Ron Slee, President of R.J. Slee &Associates, specializes in the parts and service aspects of business in the heavy equipment industries. He also provides specialized training seminars and webinars for manufacturers, dealers, and independent businesses in the construction equipment, light industrial, on-highway, engine, and agricultural industries through Learning Without Scars. Basic Inventory Control is one of Learning Without Scars’ inventory control online courses, and it features a one-hour webinar.
Three key topics we like from Basic Inventory Control:
- The fundamentals of inventory control
- The basics of order point and order quantity theory
- Lead times, order costs, and carrying charges
Cost: $100
17. Inventory Management:Planning and Controlling Inventory Effectively
Gothic Logistics specializes in elearning for the producing industry and offers courses in logistics, lean production, and purchasing. Inventory Management:Planning and Controlling Inventory Effectively is their online inventory control course that provides participants with the insights needed to ensure goods arrive in the desired quantity when they are needed in production and market organization.
Three key topics we like from Inventory Management:Planning and Controlling Inventory Effectively:
- Conflicting objectives in inventory management
- Inventory and material requirements planning
- Variation in demand during lead time
Cost: € 500, excluding VAT
18. Fundamentals of Inventory Management and Control, Third Edition
Offered as part of the American Management Association’s curriculum, Fundamentals of Inventory Management and Control, Third Edition, is written by Max Muller, who has served as chief executive or operations officer for commandoes distributing products, and Gary Langenwalter, founder and president of Manufacturing Consulting Partners. The inventory control course offers practical, usable information in forecasting, physical control and layout, and problem recognition and resolution.
Three key topics we like from Fundamentals of Inventory Management and Control, Third Edition:
- Modern practice discourages holding large quantities of inventory and encourages only holding amounts on-hand that are required for current needs
- The significance of controlling actual, on-hand inventory as a physical object and as an intangible object
- The fundamental differences between finished goods inventories in retail and raw materials and work-in-process inventories in manufacturing
Стоимость: $89.95
19. Inventory Management
The HP LIFE Program is a learning initiative for entrepreneurs that trains students, entrepreneurs, and small business owners how to apply IT and business skills. The HP LIFE inventory control course, Inventory Management, is an online course with practical applications that participants can begin using immediately upon completion of the course.
Three key topics we like from Inventory Management:
- The importance of inventory management to maintaining successful business operations and maximizing profit
- How to choose the best method of inventory management for your business or organization
- How to use various technologies for managing inventory
Стоимость: FREE
20. Supply Chain Inventory Management (Online)
The UCLA Extension is the continuing professional education division of UCLA that offers evening and online courses and dozens of certificates. Instructed by Tony Swain, project management and supply chain management expert, Supply Chain Inventory Management (Online) is an inventory control course offered at various times throughout the year, so interested participants should check for class availability.
Three key topics we like from Supply Chain Inventory Management (Online):
- How to achieve the right levels of inventory
- How to eliminate the annual physical inventory through cycle counts
- The importance of sound procedures and effective physical inventory control practices, in addition to accurate computer inventory balances
Cost: $750
21. Profitable Inventory Management and Control
Next Level Purchasing Association is a large procurement association and the source of the senior professional in supply management (SPSM) family of certifications. Their inventory control course, Profitable Inventory Management and Control, centers on strategically managing inventory.
Three key topics we like from Profitable Inventory Management and Control:
- 6 inventory risks and how to mitigate them
- How to conduct inventory analysis, including applying ABC analysis and stratification
- How to calculate cost savings related to inventory management and control decisions
Стоимость: $229
22. Warehousing &Inventory Control Training
iACT Global offers certification and training services to individuals and businesses in more than 50 domains worldwide. Warehousing &Inventory Control Training, their inventory control course, covers efficient warehouse operations and the need for conceptual understanding of warehouse and inventory control along with computerized operations.
Three key topics we like from Warehousing &Inventory Control Training:
- Inventory classifications and strategies
- Inventory control model
- Inventory control techniques
Cost: Contact for registration price
23. Certificate Logistics and Inventory Management
An online professional development course, Certificate Logistics and Inventory Management provides learners with an understanding of the history, perspectives, strategies, and key areas involved with logistics, inventory, and supply chain management. The course also helps participants develop the skills required for cost analysis, decision making, quality management, and value analysis.
Three key topics we like from Certificate Logistics and Inventory Management:
- Inventory management systems
- Inventory analysis
- Validating inventory
- $499 one-time payment
- $699 if paying in installments – Contact for more information
<сильный>24. Inventory Management (Level 3)
Brentwood Open Learning College (BOLC UK) is a provider of accredited distance learning courses. They offer Inventory Management (Level 3), for inventory management certification online, to help learners understand how to manage a smooth, cost-effective operation with enough products on hand to meet demand without stockpiling too much inventory.
Three key topics we like from Inventory Management (Level 3):
- Goals and objectives of inventory management and how to measure your process against these goals
- Calculating safety stock, reorder points, and order quantities
- Evaluating inventory management systems
- £ 315 paid in full
- £ 395 paid in installments
eBooks, Guides, and White Papers
25. Inventory Management for Online Retailers
Freestyle Solutions, developed by retailers for retailers, has been providing inventory control solutions for 25 years. Their inventory control eBook, Inventory Management for Online Retailers, includes strategies for efficient inventory control that “take the guesswork out of what’s ‘available to sell’ and includes information about automating inventory.
Three key points we like from Inventory Management for Online Retailers:
- Accurate inventory data is key for serving customers and driving growth
- Inventory control includes tracking inventory products shipped directly to customers by suppliers
- Automating inventory control nearly eliminates the problems associated with manual inventory control
Cost: FREE
26. Inventory Management:Getting Started
TradeGecko’s inventory control eBook is a perfect introduction to inventory control. Inventory Management:Getting Started features the key terms associated with inventory management and is a must-read for inventory control beginners.
Three key topics we like from Inventory Management; Getting Started:
- How understanding the language of inventory management is key to successful inventory control
- Applying key terms of inventory control for meeting customer demand
- Economic order quantity, inventory valuation, recorder points, and more
Cost: FREE with email registration
27. Inventory Management:Principles, Concepts, and Techniques
Author John Toomey explains the dynamics of inventory management in this eBook. Chapters contain case studies and the related inventory management problems, along with suggested solutions. The book also is a resource for assisting in the training of students as well as APICS CPIM (Certified in Production and Inventory Management) candidates.
Three key topics we like from Inventory Management:Principles, Concepts, and Techniques:
- The principles, concepts, and techniques of inventory control as related to the supply chain
- Inventory control as a critical component of business competition
- Reducing cost, improving customer service, and maximizing capacity through inventory control
Стоимость: $189
28. Top 5 Tips for Effective Inventory Control
An experienced software provider specializing in inventory control for complex business environments, Goldsoft offers its inventory control book on SlideShare. Top 5 Tips for Effective Inventory Control addresses five major inventory challenges, to help readers manage inventory more effectively.
Three key topics we like from Top 5 Tips for Effective Inventory Control:
- Ensuring inventory arrives at warehouses correctly
- Identifying non-performing inventory
- Maintaining sufficient inventory levels
Cost: FREE
29. Inventory Control Management
Fadooengineers.com is a leading provider of education and study materials for engineering students. They offer an inventory control eBook, available for download by chapter, along with related lecture notes.
Three key topics we like from Inventory Control Management:
- Inventory management and physical inventory
- Best practices in inventory management
- Innovative inventory and production management
Cost: FREE
30. Inventory Control Basics:A Systematic Guide for Controlling Inventory In Your Restaurant
Founder and principal of RestaurantOwner.com, an industry-leading resource for restaurant operators, Joe Erickson penned this inventory control guide specifically for those in the restaurant business. Recognizing that restaurant owners have uncommon inventory control challenges like daily turnover of highly perishable supplies and materials, Erickson offers tips and strategies for effective restaurant inventory control.
Three key points we like from Inventory Control Basics:A Systematic Guide for Controlling Inventory In Your Restaurant:
- Even though restaurants are retailers and manufacturers, the principles of retail and manufacturing inventory control don’t apply to restaurants
- Restaurant inventory control includes maintaining proper stock levels, upholding quality and freshness, vendor price comparison, accurate cost-of-sales calculation, spotting theft, and maintaining up-to-date menu cost
- Utilize a running inventory order guide
Cost: FREE
31. Stock Control and Inventory
The Montreal Chamber of Commerce offers this inventory control guide, Stock Control and Inventory, to help readers gain an understanding of various stock control methods, how to set up an efficient inventory control plan, and more. The guide is appropriate for those who deal with raw materials or finished goods and covers stock at every stage of the production process.
Three key topics we like from Stock Control and Inventory:
- Manual inventory control
- Computer software for inventory control
- Using RFID and barcode for inventory control, stock security, and quality management
Cost: FREE
32. How to Control Inventory
For inventory control beginners, wikiHow is a good place to start learning about inventory control. How to Control Inventory is a five-step guide for effective inventory control for business success that covers deciding what and how much to order, keeping accurate inventory counts, handling excesses and shortages, and more.
Three key topics we like from How to Control Inventory:
- How to determine the inventory tracking method for your business
- Utilizing inventory management agencies
- Safety stock for unexpected events
Cost: FREE
33 . Inventory Basics – Inventory Management
Clear Inventory offers online inventory management software known for its security and ease of use. Their inventory control guide, Inventory Basics – Inventory Management, is a detailed guide best suited to inventory control beginners.
Three key ideas we like from Inventory Basics – Inventory Management:
- Label all storage locations, regardless of whether they currently have stock
- Use only well-defined, unique descriptions for all of your items
- Consider using item numbers of only five or six characters or numbers in length
Cost: FREE
34. How Inventory Control Can Benefit Your Business
ADSS Global has been making information work efficiently and profitably for companies and organizations since 1981. The number one Sage ERP Business Partner in the U.S. and Canada, ADSS Global offers this inventory control white paper to help readers consider how operations could improve by implementing an inventory management system.
Three key ideas we like from How Inventory Control Can Benefit Your Business:
- Accurate inventory levels improve warehouse operations, stock levels, restocking, sales, and more
- Inventory control verifies the correct items are shipped and helps prevent errors
- Real-time inventory updates are critical to successful inventory control
Cost: FREE
35. Count, Manage, and Move:Warehouse Inventory Control Strategies
RM US LLP, a leading provider of audit, tax, and consulting services, offers Count, Manage, and Move:Warehouse Inventory Control Strategies, an inventory control white paper. Authors Paul Calamita and Sean Ellis explore how accurate and efficient inventory control processes are essential for remaining competitive, especially in the fashion and home furnishings industries.
Three key ideas we like from Count, Manage, and Move:Warehouse Inventory Control Strategies:
- Inventory control best practices for facilitating automation and minimizing waste
- Effective warehouse inventory control helps to manage operational expenses and support business growth
- Innovative and custom strategies for inventory control are best for companies looking to manage their products and ensure timely delivery to customers
Cost: FREE
36. Eliminate Hidden Holding Costs:Mastering Your Inventory
Epicor offers business software solutions for the manufacturing, distribution, and retail industries. As part of their Retail Best Practices Series, Epicor’s inventory control white paper, Eliminate Hidden Holding Costs:Mastering Your Inventory, is a 10-page inventory control resource for mastering inventory control with the goal of helping your bottom line.
Three key points we like from Eliminate Hidden Holding Costs:Mastering Your Inventory:
- One of the first steps to improved inventory control is identifying and eliminating unprofitable, or “dead,” items
- Consider department and item gross margin return on investment (GMROI) to determine the value of your inventory and if you have invested in correct or incorrect items
- For successful inventory control, you need to have high-quality, accurate, and reliable suppliers and accurate inventory data and fine-tuned forecasting capabilities
Cost: FREE
37. Inventory:Control It Before It Controls You
Wiser offers a full-featured pricing and merchandising platform for monitoring, analyzing, and dynamically repricing products to increase profits. Their inventory control infographic visualizes the ways in which inventory affects a company’s bottom line and explores why inventory optimization matters.
Three key facts we like from Inventory:Control It Before It Controls You:
- There is a 77% correlation between overall manufacturing profitability and inventory turns
- Inventory control affects profit marin, customer satisfaction, and inventory turnover
- Inventory control success includes setting unit-level inventory thresholds for automated ordering and replenishment
Cost: FREE
38. Inventory Management Techniques
TradeGecko’s inventory control infographic is part of a larger article exploring the inventory management techniques that will help or hurt your business. The infographic acts as a barometer for inventory holding cost and shows the relationship between various inventory control methods, inventory holding costs, and potential profits.
Three key facts we like from Inventory Management Techniques:
- Just In Time has a low inventory holing cost with a high potential profit
- Bulk Shipments has a high inventory holding cost and a high potential profit
- ABC Analysis has a lower inventory cost than its potential profit
Cost: FREE
39. Inventory Management:6 Ways Successful Businesses Manage Inventory
Utilizing research from various studies, Freestyle Solution gathered information on inventory control and created this inventory control infographic. Inventory Management:6 Ways Successful Businesses Mange Inventory, Freestyle’s infographic, explores the benefits of tracking inventory from all sales channels, gaining control of kitted and bundled products, managing drop-ship orders, staving off backorders, enabling bin and lot tracking, and implementing barcode scanning.
Three key facts we like from Inventory Management:6 Ways Successful Businesses Mange Inventory:
- Only 25% of retailers operating store, catalog, and internet channels have integrated their systems across channels
- 70% of shoppers reported they would shop for an item at a competitor if it were unavailable
- Be prepared for recalls and enable bin and lot tracking, because the value of products recalled annually reaches up to $10 billion
Cost: FREE
40. How to Deliver What You Promise
SalesWarp helps companies consolidate omni channel commerce operations into one complete system, so they can sell more and manage less. Because omni channel commerce demands merchants to consider how they access and manage inventory, SalesWarp shares their inventory control infographic, How to Deliver What You Promise, in an effort to show the value of merchants keeping their inventory promises.
Three key facts we like from How to Deliver What You Promise:
- Only 45% of retailers claim to have the ability to enable system-wide inventory visibility today
- Fulfilling orders from high-cost locations is a major inventory control challenge
- Collaboration between departments, channels, and systems enhances inventory control
Cost: FREE
41. Inventory Management Online Sales Trends:Size Matters
The folks at Stitch Labs love inventory and they create some of the most popular technology for online stores seeking “simple, smart, beautiful inventory control.” So, when it comes to information about online sales trends and inventory control, Stitch Labs shares some of the best, including Inventory Management Online Sales Trends:Size Matters, an infographic. While the infographic is specific to the apparel and accessories industry, the infographic includes universal lessons in inventory control.
Three key facts we like from Inventory Management Online Sales Trends:Size Matters:
- 45% – 90% of all business expenses are a result of inventory costs
- Better purchasing and manufacturing decisions often are the difference between success and failure
- Use product-level data to prevent lost sales and excess inventory by making data-driven decisions
Cost: FREE
42. POS and Inventory Control
RICS Software delivers point of sale and inventory management solutions for retailers. By combining POS and inventory control, retailers streamline their businesses, and POS and Inventory Control is an inventory control infographic that explains why that is the case.
Three key facts we like from POS and Inventory Control:
- Inventory management software makes it possible to monitor inventory quantities in real time
- Inventory control capabilities are critical because POS systems alone cannot actively manage inventory, which is your largest expense
- Inventory management software can audit inventory accuracy and report and analyze inventory performance
Cost: FREE
43. Infographic:4 Reasons to Control Your Remote Inventory
The ERP Software Blog is the largest Microsoft Dynamics ERP group blog site, offering expert reviews and opinions to help professionals select their ERP. 4 Reasons to Control Your Remote Inventory visualizes the benefits of inventory control, especially for remote inventory.
Three key facts we like from Infographic:4 Reasons to Control Your Remote Inventory:
- Real-time inventory data allows for tighter inventory control
- Complete visibility into inventory status and availability is key to inventory control
- Just In Time Inventory may lead to doubling your inventory turns
Cost: FREE
Videos, Webinars, and Presentations
44. 3 Popular Inventory Management Techniques – Business Quick Tips
Fishbowl Inventory offers the number one manufacturing and warehouse management solution for QuickBooks users. With more than 14,450 views on YouTube, their inventory control video, 3 Popular Inventory Management Techniques – Business Quick Tips, explores the most popular inventory management techniques to help viewers determine which technique is best suited to their business.
Three key topics we like from 3 Popular Inventory Management Techniques – Business Quick Tips:
- Incorrect inventory control can cost your company thousands of dollars
- Just In Time is a risky inventory control measure that can be rewarding when implemented correctly
- ABC Analysis is a popular method of inventory control based on inventory value and cost significance
Cost: FREE
45. Inventory Control Systems
Dr. Narendar Sumukadas is an associate professor of operations management at the University of Hartford who shares inventory control videos on his YouTube channel. Inventory Control Systems is one of the videos from Dr. Sumukadas’ Operations Management Lecture Series, and it provides an in-depth look at inventory control systems.
Three key topics we like from Inventory Control Systems:
- Lead time challenges
- Reorder points
- Uncertainty in demand times
Cost: FREE
46. The Vital Role of Inventory Control
Larry Miller is the creator of ShrinkTrax and the National Shrink Survey. Miller is CEO of the Retail Control Group, which specializes in best practices for shrink control and loss prevention in the grocery and convenience store industry. He also has a YouTube channel featuring inventory control videos, such as The Vital Role of Inventory Control. This inventory control video serves as an introduction to the importance of inventory control.
Three key points we like from The Vital Role of Inventory Control:
- Inventory control best practices can improve shrink control, sales, employee productivity, and cash flow
- There are seven steps in the inventory control process, including buying, pricing, and ordering goods; receiving goods; handling and storage; production planning; display/space allocation; and sales
- Shrink has many causes, including shoplifting, cashier theft, vendor theft, failure to sell, vendor errors, and others
47. Effective Inventory Management
Fred Pryor Seminars is a well-respected provider of professional seminars. Their inventory management webinar, Effective Inventory Management, is an effective inventory control resource for those looking to “develop a streamlined method for producing efficient cycle counts, tightening logistics, and cutting costs.”
Three key topics we like from Effective Inventory Management:
- Techniques for improving inventory turn
- Understanding the order point system and how it could benefit your organization
- Eliminating the chaos and confusion associated with blind counts
- Webinar Package – Event and CD-ROM:$248
- Webinar – December 18:$199
- Webinar CD-ROM:$199
48. Webinar:Effective Inventory Management – Achieving Best Practices with Today’s Inventory Management Systems
Jon Schreibfeder is owner and president of Effective Inventory Management, Inc., author of server books on inventory management, and a guest lecturer at Purdue University. Schreibfeder offers strategies for making the most of its inventory management software in his inventory control webinar, available on YouTube.
Three key ideas we like from Webinar:Effective Inventory Management – Achieving Best Practices with Today’s Inventory Management Systems:
- The goal of effective inventory control is meeting or exceeding customers’ expectations of product availability to maximize profits and minimize inventory investment
- Both inventory control and inventory management best practices must be in place to achieve effective inventory management
- Inventory control focuses on controlling inventory to minimize costs, while inventory management centers on managing inventory investment to maximize profits
Cost: FREE
49. Managing Your Inventory – Track Product from Ordering to Sales
CBORD offers a host of comprehensive solutions and innovative products for colleges and universities, healthcare facilities, supermarkets, and other market segments. With a focus on automating the inventory management process, CBORD’s inventory control webinar, Managing Your Inventory – Track Product from Ordering to Sales, is a resource to help you master inventory control.
Three key topics we like from Managing Your Inventory – Track Product from Ordering to Sales:
- How to eliminate manual entry and reduce errors
- Improving productivity through inventory control
- Streamlining inventory processes
Cost: FREE
50. Inventory Control &Management
The Welingkar Institute of Management Development &Research’s WeSchool offers post graduate diplomas in management. Inventory is an important component of distribution management, and this SlideShare presentation from WeSchool investigates inventory control and management and the various techniques for efficient inventory control.
Three key topics we like from Inventory Control &Management:
- Inventory control and management as aspects of distribution management
- ABC and VED techniques, plus the Japanese techniques of JIT and KANBAN
- Safety stock as a way of buffering uncertainties
Cost: FREE
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